How to report driving offences using Operation Snap

Operation Snap is West Yorkshire Police’s response to increasing submissions of video and photographic evidence relating to driving offences that members of the public have witnessed. It is an online portal for submissions of journey cam footage showing these offences.

The process takes about 5 to 10 minutes.

You will need the following information to hand:

  • Your personal details
  • Details of the vehicle including the vehicle registration, make, model and colour
  • The location of the incident
  • The time and date of the incident
  • The video footage – we do nota accept still images and the footage must show the vehicle registration
  • Details of the device used to record the footage
  • A willingness to attend court as a witness

To submit online:

Your submission will be triaged by an experienced traffic law trained officer and will be dealt with accordingly. You will receive an email to inform you whether we are taking any action or not.